Sunday, October 20, 2013

Monday, October 14th

We had a full day of school, play and karate on Monday~

Nana correctly labeled Waverly as "a quiet storm" from the time she was one month old.  She was so sweet (still is!) and snuggly, but there were glimpses here and there that if only she had the physical prowess she would be busy.  Sure enough, over the past few weeks she has really come into her own and is a bundle of bouncing, rolling, grabbing, talking energy!  With all of her new achievements has also come a desire not to miss out on anything... translated: she fights sleep.  Now, she doesn't yell about it often the way Scarlett did as a baby, but she uses every trick in her baby book to force herself to stay awake.  When she finally succumbs to the fatigue, she looks almost resentful, haha :-)

Working on our history, we read a chapter on how the written language of the ancients came into existence.  It was very interesting and the kids had lots of theories, hypotheses and comments on how and why people would want/need to write things down.  

The kids highlighted Mesopotamia on their maps and colored a picture of an ancient Egyptian carving hieroglyphics onto a stone tablet (Victoria on top, Scarlett in the middle, Lincoln on the bottom - interestingly, they all colored "dust" onto their guy without discussing it; I thought it was a great detail).

Victoria had one page to complete in her handwriting book, however she asked if she could do as many pages as she wanted since she was really enjoying it and I think she probably did close to seven pages.  It doesn't happen often, but I love those rare instances when they get into a groove and can take the opportunity to do extra in whatever subject they're on.

During tea & story time, I read three of the stories in this book "Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Russia."  The kids loved "Vasilisa the Beautiful," and were quick to point out all of the other fairy tale elements that they are familiar with that the story contains.  There are bits of Cinderella, Hansel & Gretel, Rapunzel, etc.  Later when we were having one-on-one school time, Scarlett brought over this book and asked me to read the rest of the stories (2) to her.

During the kids rest time, Waverly was relishing a bottle and striking her cute pose that I love - it's half "I won't fall asleep if I hold my arm straight up" and half "it feels so good to reach over and fiddle with the burp cloth."  So adorable!

The kids were working extra hard at karate in the evening.  They were really hoping to be invited to test for their next belt.  Victoria was lined up, reading to do a side kick...


At the end of class, the teacher takes 5-10 minutes and goes through any homework, crafts, etc. that the kids have brought in to discuss with him/her.  I love this part - not only is it great for the kids to be able to articulate their school work to another adult outside of the family, but often they will work with extra diligence on karate day when they know their teacher will be reviewing it ;-)  Here it was Scarlett's turn.  If the work is good, they receive a Good Job ticket - every 5 tickets, they earn a special blue star to place on their class patch located on the front of their uniform.

Scarlett is very much a leader/organizer personality, but she is also a rules follower.  I understand - I was very similar as a young child in this capacity.  If there were rules given by an authority figure, then you followed them... end of story.  I was often frustrated by same-aged peers who wouldn't just do what they were told in class.  Wouldn't we all just have more fun if we followed the rules?? lol  So whenever there are kids in her karate class who don't do as they're instructed in karate, they earn the Scarlett Death Glare.  I really think she believes she can stare them into obedience.  During teacher review time at the end, this new little boy in the class just would not sit in his spot (which as that moment was actually in a time-out area reserved for those misbehaving while working out).  He was up in her face trying to get a reaction.

She staunchly refused to move a muscle or look at him in any way until he went away.  Then she turned and gave him the epic glare!  hahaha

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