Friday, October 11, 2013

Wednesday, October 9th

For some reason, the kids are always after me to let them switch up their bed arrangements.  I agreed that they could swap beds occasionally, and that is always fun for them, however Wednesday morning first thing Scarlett and Victoria asked me if they could set up their blankets and pillows on the floor and sleep on the floor. Um... okay?  I really wanted to say No, but I couldn't actually think of a good reason, haha.  So in the end, they spent over an hour setting everything up before we started our school day.  We had tea & story time, map work and folk tales on Russia, plus one-on-one time for math and reading.  In the afternoon, Jim took took the kids to karate and then out for a special surprise afterward - to Hobby Lobby to pick out a new Boo!  However, only Scarlett actually picked a Boo - the other two opted for different items at the same price point.  A fun day!

Waverly barely slept at all on Tuesday night - we have no idea why!  She was sweet as could be all through the night, but would only sleep in 30-45 minute bursts and then be up-up-up.  Naturally, she was a little crankier than her usual joyful self come Wednesday morning.  The girls offered to play with her in their room for a while as they set up their floor area for sleeping.

For tea & story time we read "The Lonely Scarecrow" and "Ox-Cart Man."

Working on locating and highlighting Russia on the globe-style map. 

Scarlett's map~

I read them snippets from the book "Food in Russia," which is actually quite outdated in it's terminology.  The kids really loved the story/folk tale "That Apple is Mine!" and "The Language of Birds," but we were all a little baffled by "The Sea King," lol.  I don't know if it's a poor translation or we all just collectively missed an element, but it seemed like three stories stitched together oddly.  I was just like, "Well, kids... Russia." haha

Waverly has always been very orally fixated, but now that she can grab at stuff she is more mouthy than ever!  She had been dilligently studying my tea cup as I took sips and set it back down.  So when it was empty, I moved it closer to her and sure enough she had it snatched up in no time.

Nom nom nom! :-)

Jim's crazy crew on the way to karate.

Warm ups~

I'm pretty sure he's completely unaware of the fact that he's the youngest and smallest in his class... by a lot! In his mind he's huge, and at least ten years old ;-)

After their karate class, Jim took them out for their surprise - to get new Boos!  Here's Jim's awesome "stand and stare directly at the sun and smile" shot, lol.

At first they were all going to pick a Boo...

... and Scarlett did - a new monkey named Coconut.  But the other two had their sights on other items.  Lincoln found this cool (foam) shield at the same price point, while Victoria found an awesome create your own storybook craft project.  It was almost double the price of the other kids' items, but Jim was savvy and remembered that Hobby Lobby often has a 40% coupon on regularly priced items.  So he was able to pull it up on his phone and get it for nearly the same price as a Boo. These were three happy kiddos! :-)

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