Continuing in our Russian studies, I read aloud "Celebrating Birthdays in Russia" and we also learned about the national flag and colored one.
In the book they note a popular game played at children's birthday parties or really any celebration where kids are present. I was able to bring up a video and we watched the motions and then of course we had to practice :-) I did it with the kids for the first 173 rounds, then let them do it by themselves. They were in fits of laughter!
It's always interesting to me how the kids react to story books. Often I will reserve several from the library, so sure of which ones I think they will like best, and am usually completely wrong. In this instance, I had gotten "Hurry, Hurry, Mary Dear" and was not anticipating that it would really strike their fancy... and was totally wrong! They had me read it four times back to back, and I still don't know why, lol. But they loved it!
Next we had a new SQUILT lesson - Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Spring. The kids listened/watched the video of the piece.
Their Draw What You Hear worksheets - Lincoln on top left, Victoria on top right, and Scarlett on the bottom. Lincoln told me he drew "flowers and trumpets" on his page, while Victoria drew happy people with floating flowers and hearts, and Scarlett drew one huge psychedelic flower.
After one-on-one time for math, reading and Bible verse memory work, the kids were outside in a flash! They were busy trying to climb as high as they could in this little tree outside our front window.
Waverly and I had to head outside to see for ourselves - by her expression, I'm not so sure she approved ;-)
They were pretty much all up in there, with a little boost from Grammie.
I was going to put Waverly in her stroller for a little ride around the cul-de-sac, but I spied the red push car and thought, "I wonder..." Soon enough she was strapped in and quite intrigued by this new contraption.
I just thought it was hilarious, because hello! she's only four months old and was sitting up in there like a pro. Not only that but she was full-on inspecting the buttons, trying to fiddle with this thing and that.
She loved sitting in there, however she was not actually a huge fan of riding in it - the thing makes an insane amount of noise rolling along on the cement, so I got her out after she voiced her dismay.
My favorite picture of her in the car - she was holding onto the steering wheel like she was really going places :-)
Soon the kids were onto bigger trees - namely the one in our neighbor's yard. She is the most patient, kind hearted neighbor. For having no children, she is beyond tolerant of the kids climbing in her trees, leaving their bikes in/on/near her yard, etc.
Grammie helping/supervising the girls climbing.
Soon Waverly was ready to go back inside and roll around. I sat and played with the baby for a while and then Victoria came in and offered to sing to her while I did a few things in the kitchen. The baby loves when Victoria sings to her! Sis just makes up little songs as she goes and the baby smiles and smiles :-) Victoria told me, "I just have a really great gift for singing." haha
As the baby rolled here and there, Victoria was determined to teach her how to crawl via demonstration.
Later, I gave this little love a bath, where she did her best to completely soak me!
I love when you post the books you read because I often get to see new books I had not know about. Hurry, Hurry, Mary Dear is one of those. Off to reserve it!