The kids did their usual schoolwork and then played several games with their color-counting bears and a few other manipulatives. I love watching what games they invent - modern education does not give enough credit to how important play is. It's a child-led way for them to practice all of the skills they are learning. There is also an incredibly valuable knowledge trickle-down effect when the older and younger ages play together.
Waverly was in a very happy, content mood and I needed to clean my bathroom so I laid her on my bed and got to work. The bathroom is line of sight to the bed and she was in the middle surrounded by pillows so she couldn't make any fancy maneuvers and roll off. I could hear her babbling happily so I tackled a few things before checking on her and I found this - the new little cat sitting on top of a pillow...on top of the baby! Waverly was pulling and tugging at her fur and the cat was purring and sitting there totally pleased. I realized it had been the cat that elicited the burst of "talking" from the baby :-) When she caught me watching out of the corner of her eye she looked at me and just had the most conspiratorial look, like, "This is so amazing what is happening right here, right now." haha
In her high chair at lunchtime, with a little mesh bag full of crisp apples - she really can't get anything out of them but she loves gnawing around. I think she is starting to teeth in earnest now, and it seems to feel pretty good on those gums!
Jim had ordered a special holiday boo online for Scarlett (one they had looked at together previously and she had loved), so when it arrived in the mail that afternoon, I made a quick run to pick up one for Victoria and Lincoln while the kiddos napped and Gram stayed home. They were really excited to receive their festive boos!
Jim and I haven't been getting much Starbucks lately, trying to avoid the sugary drinks. However, as a special treat I stopped and picked up iced coffees for the both of us - I asked them to be topped with whipped cream so that they felt more decadent than they tasted :-)
Salty has been feeling much better since taking his prescription medicines - he's all smiles now and even managed to sneak a little forbidden sofa time with Jim when the kids were in bed!
Hi Amanda! I was so glad to hear from you. I just finally got a chance to get caught up on your blog, CONGRATULATIONS on the new baby! I love the name and she is adorable, you must be over the moon! Doesn't it seem with each baby the baby stage goes by faster? I'm sure you are soaking up every snugly minute. Thanks for letting me peep into this little window of your life and catch up with your sweet family- I really know how hard it is to keep something like this up. I struggle with just a once a month update! We both have a good excuse though...4 of them actually lol Happy New Year!!!!!