Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday, November 3rd

Sunday was very full, although it started out relaxed with at home time.  Toward lunchtime we rallied and headed out for a fun family lunch at Texas Roadhouse - the kids had never been before and were quite entertained by throwing the peanut shells on the floor and the spontaneous dancing by the staff :-) During nap time for the kiddos, I headed out to do a quick thrift store run (I've so missed it during the past few months!) and then went home to get the big kids ready for Pajama Night at AWANA.

I don't know why these cats tolerate this girl - maybe they can sense how much she loves/obsesses over them?  But one of her favorite things to do is walk around with one under each arm.  In a weird way it seems to have worked in so far as desensitizing them to one another and they no longer hiss when in each other's presence. 

 While Waverly is obviously her own person with her own unique personality, it's funny to me to see little snippets of her siblings' temperament manifest.  She can be very easy going (like Victoria and Lincoln) so long as there isn't something she specifically wants to do... but already I can see that she often has an agenda, or her own little baby mental list of activities she'd like to do (Scarlett).  "First, the exersaucer.  Then a little light stretching on the ground.  Finish up with a bit of toy/floor time." haha

She loves this new rattle-ball toy that Grammie bought for her!

 Out to lunch and we were seated in this big, long booth - three on each side, and Waverly actually sat in a highchair seat between Jim and I!  Now that she has her own highchair at home we figured she could attempt to sit in one while we're out and about.  Overall she did great and sat happily in her chair for half of our time there.  I gave her a chunk of rock-hard crusty bread to mess around with and she really went after it with a look of fierce determination on her face! :-)

Victoria, Lincoln and Scarlett all did so well, ordering their own food and eating like champs.  I'm not say that they always behave perfectly when we're out to eat, but by and large I think they do an awesome job for their ages and I'm thankful that they are fun to go out with!  After nibbling on a few shelled peanuts, the kids spent a lot of time and effort prying open dozens of peanuts and forcing me and Jim to consume them :-p

 Victoria ordered the kid's ribs and Lincoln was pretty sorry that he hadn't also ordered them.  Fortunately, his sister was sweet and let him have one; he devoured it and then spent time nibbling on the bone. 

I love going to the thrift store - it has been several months since I've been able to go on a regular basis, but I'd like to make an effort to at least drop in one for 15 or 20 minutes a couple of times a month.  Sometimes it can be a total bust, but more often than not I'll find a hidden gem or two.  This trip I found two awesome shoe items.  This pair of (toddler-size) boys' size 12 Keen Boots in really good condition.  Brand new they are $64.95 and they rang up at $2.92 at my local Goodwill.  It's a size and a half too big for Lincoln, but I snagged them anyway as they'll be perfect for either spring or next fall.

And while the picture looks dingy, these Sorel boots had only superficial dirt (which I know as I had my ever-handy baby wipes with me and the grime wiped right off!) and were a size 13 which will be perfect for one of the girls in Spring.  Brand new these average between $55-80. Another win! 

The kids in their jammies and AWANA vests, ready to go and have a fun time playing games, hearing a Bible message and memorizing Scripture.

 Waverly and I were going to run a couple of errands, only she decided napping in the car would be infinitely more fun! :-p  Because she hadn't napped all day and I didn't want an overly tired, crabby babycakes come bedtime, I essentially drove to our destination and held her while she napped, then drove home! haha  Babies. 

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