Friday, November 1, 2013

Monday, October 21st

Monday was a relaxed-paced day, with school and karate but otherwise lots of time for the important stuff (for kids) - playing!

Scarlett woke up and right away went to get her notebook and sketched out a design for a fort and how everything would be set up on the interior.  I helped her move chairs out from the dining room to behind the sofa and she worked on making her drawing a reality!

Meanwhile, Lincoln and Victoria were playing some sort of store game in the playroom - Victoria had swindled a couple of handfuls of change from Grammie and had a sack she carried it around in all day.

When it was finally time to get around to school, the kids did Bible, practiced reciting their memory verses, had individual math and reading, and of course we had tea & story time!  One of their favorite school-related activities for the day was in our History time - we had already discussed the development of written language, and now they were going to try their hand at writing in both hieroglyphics and cuneiform.

First I had them roll out modeling clay - they thought it was way tougher to do than play dough and I had to help a bit.  They were already seeing that this was not as easy as they'd assumed!  Then they used a worksheet from the Story of the World book and tried to write their translated name in hieroglyphs.

It's hard to see!  Scarlett did pretty well not tearing her clay and making the symbols as clearly as she could - Victoria did well, too and Lincoln ended up just carving his up into many pieces ;-)

We rolled his pieces back up and tried again and he was pretty pleased with himself once he'd copied the a few of the symbols.

Next I had my home made scrolls (three pieces of computer paper taped together with a wooden dowel at each end - fancy!) and they worked together to copy a message down in cuneiform.

Our two stories for the day - "Cranberry Thanksgiving" which was a huge, huge hit and we read it twice, and "Always Room for One More."  This book is done with Scottish vocabulary thrown in and Scarlett really enjoyed it, although it didn't hold Lincoln's attention at all.  Victoria listened politely but I could tell she wasn't feeling it either!  I'm sure my amazing take on a Scottish accent (always end up sounding Indian + low-class British) didn't help the story along! lol

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