We are using "Object Lessons for a Year" by David Claassen as our main Bible curriculum. I love the strong, simple messaging, the impact the object lessons make, and the scripture tie-in. This is our first week utilizing it and so far the kids eagerly rush to the table when it's Bible time :-) Our first object lesson was about learning the importance of being rooted in Jesus. First the kids took turns blowing around a flower that was cut off. That flower rolled all over and was looking pretty beat up.
Secondly, they took turns blowing as hard as they could on the plant that was firmly rooted in the pot. Not much happened - a little swaying, but the flower remained fully intact. The kids had tons to say about the how and why and they easily grasped the correlation of how we are like the flowers. If we have strong roots in Jesus, the wind of life may blow but we won't be overtaken. Without Jesus, we are like the cut flower which is quickly ruined.
The girls drew pictures of what they learned and copied the message of "Be rooted in Jesus" into their Bible journals. Lincoln has started getting frustrated when he can't do things as well as the girls, despite my reminders to him that he is, after all, only three. But I think he often just mentally assigns himself to their age rank and thus feels badly when he cannot perform the same tasks in the same way. So I decided that I would start giving him slightly different elements when we are doing certain schoolwork. This time, I gave him a little flower to color, and we worked together to cut it out and then he glued it into his Bible journal. I'd also printed out the message and he glued that in as well. He was very pleased with the results and didn't feel the need to compare - yay!
We began our study on China by opening up our Little Passports package and locating the country on the map, looking at the flag, making observations about the country and playing with the chopsticks that came with this month's packet! :-)
Scarlett finished the last Olivia book that we had laying around; fortunately, we did make it to the bookstore and Scarlett selected an Amelia Bedelia chapter book to read through for her read-aloud time.
Teacher's Aid :-)
I had printed out several number and letter do-a-dot worksheets from Erica at Confessions of a Homeschooler and Lincoln really enjoyed working on them with his dab paints.
Victoria was really eager to do some as well, so I gave her the letter ones.
Next, I got out our bin of magnetic items and a tray to let Lincoln play/experiment with those. He did this for quite a long while!
Fruit snack review! After our week off, I wanted the review card time to be less painful so we added a little sweet treat to the equation :-)
Victoria, working through her timeline cards and "teaching" them to Lincoln... on my bed. The kids enjoy doing different school element in varying rooms of the house :-p
The kids loved learning the CC Timeline last year, but the pacing was a little fast for them/me. This year we are going through a little slower, and having actually purchased the cards this year, are able to visually place things in order as well. They love for me to shuffle a few and see if they can lay them back out in the correct order.
Victoria received this American Heritage Doll accessory from Uncle Jeff - a horse for her doll to ride on. She loves it! But Scarlett adores it as well, and carries it around the house with her, setting up photo shoots so that she can take (then delete) dozens of pictures of the horse.
Victoria, showing off her latest masterpiece from a coloring book she received on her birthday!
Victoria had told us since Saturday that she wanted her special birthday dinner to be at (remember, she can choose anywhere!)... IHOP. Haha :-) She loves that place! It was a lovely family dinner and even Gram and Nana joined us. We all joked that we'd met our yearly quota of dining out together since this was the second time this month for this unusual occurrence!
Scarlett and Lincoln both ordered the chocolate smiley face pancake.
And Victoria had her favorite - chicken fingers and fruit :-)
On the way to IHOP the sky was quite a sight - sunny on one half and black storm clouds on the other and two beautiful rainbows! This was the first time any of the kids had seen a real rainbow and they were mesmerized. When we got home I took out the pain supplies and they all worked to recreate the rainbows we had seen (also saw another one on the way home).
My sweet Victoria on her first birthday...
...and now she is 5! Love you, girl :-)
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