For our Bible time, I wanted to put a spin on our Philippians 4:8 lesson and redirect a bit by challenging the kids to use the filters found in the verse for a different purpose - how we view others. Of course with four kids in the house - three "big" - we have a lot of tattling. Overall, I feel they do better than average on this front, but it is currently a work in progress. So I suggested that we use our filter to gauge other's behaviors. I put up a big dry erase sheet in the dining room and labeled it "Praiseworthy and Excellent Tattles."
I explained to the kids that over the next few days I would like us to fill up the board with "tattles" of other people's Philippians 4:8 behavior. The one caveat was that you could not tattle on yourself ;-) They were intrigued and pretty interested to give it a try.
For their journals, I just had a simple printout of the verse (each one had a bit different picture).
And underneath we pasted in "Let's LOOK for the good things others do." Over the word LOOK we glued a little picture of a guy with binoculars. I told them that just like a person with binoculars is usually studying a particular area, and really searching with intent, we should be looking for the good others are doing. I am hoping this will refocus a bit of their attitudes toward each other. Not only will they be motivated to find things to tattle on each other about, but in theory this will prompt them to check their own behavior (for the better) in hopes that someone will tattle on them!
By mid-afternoon, we had quite a few tattles noted down!
So with all of the goings-on, I had totally forgotten about our tie-dye shirts from the previous weeks SASCH event!! They had sat languishing in the bag until Wednesday morning, but I think in the end I'm actually glad - the colors really saturated through and the results were terrific! I am not necessarily a huge fan of tie-dye, but I think our shirts came out beautifully :-)
Jim had offered to take the kiddos to karate for me, since he would be finished with work a bit earlier than usual. Even though I love taking them and watching how hard they practice, it's nice every once in a while to have the time alone (alone = me + Waverly + Gram + Nana, haha!). For her part, Waverly totally zonked out in the swing - this hardly ever happens, as she loves her swing and really enjoys watching the little lamb mobile attached to it. She was a tired girl!
When she woke up, Waverly was all smiles for Nana :-)
A little post-dinner, backyard karate practice (Scarlett and Lincoln).
Front Kick!
Side Kick!
Evening floor time with Daddy - she can really get herself all around on the blanket; I think we'll have another super-early crawler like Victoria.
So sweet!
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