Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday, August 27th

We were all excited on Tuesday, because Grammie was coming home sometime in the early afternoon!!  Although we were glad she had a nice time with family, the house is not the same without her :-)  Sure enough, she returned just after lunch with a new Boo for each of the big kids - they were ecstatic!!  With plenty of school and outdoor play time to keep them busy plus the excitement of Gram's return, the kids were wore out and in need of a nap in the afternoon.  Once they woke up it was pool time!

Before getting dressed for the day, the kids always roll out of bed and gather in the living room for a little wake-up-tv-time :-)  We all enjoy our hour of relative leisure before diving into the day! I usually get to eat breakfast, have my morning cup of tea and give the baby sweet snuggles during this time. 

A big chunk of our morning went toward working on the kids' presentations for Passport Club. Scarlett really spent a lot of time and effort putting her board together and learning the material. She has been very fascinated with the Chinese Dragon and so we looked up lots of facts about them - then she picked six facts and we found pictures we liked and printed it all off.  Next she cut out and pasted everything to her board and then read and re-read her facts until she felt comfortable presenting on them.  Victoria and Lincoln both did very well with theirs also, of course Scarlett is older and has more information to relay!

While Scarlett worked diligently on her presentation, Victoria and Lincoln were setting "booby traps" in the backyard.  Victoria is really into making traps right now, so I gave them yarn and crepe streamers, thread, and some ribbon.  Nothing thrilled her more than to report that Salty could not get up the deck stairs for how "booby trapped" it was ;-)  Later she was less enthusiastic about cleaning it all up, but they did it - every scrap made it back indoors into the trash.  I love their creativity!

Lincoln, working on his presentation.  I cut out the pictures for him, but he pasted them to his board and practiced, practiced, practiced on what he was going to say.  It's a tough skill for a 3-year-old, but I think it's great that he tries so hard and by the time he's 5 or 6 he will be super proficient at speaking and giving information in front of an audience.

We were planning to go bowling after lunch, however all three big kids were worn out and Scarlett was complaining of gas pain in her belly, so we opted to stay in, have tea time and read through a stack of story books.

After giving and getting hugs all around, distributing the much loved Boo gifts, and chatting with Nana and me, the baby woke up.  Gram was eager to go in and say hi!  It's hard to see in this picture, but Waverly was pushing up and looking over at her and giving great big smiles! :-)

Pool time!  Victoria was mostly hanging out on the pool steps in the shallow end, but Scarlett and Lincoln were doing simultaneous jump-ins by the deep-end stairs!

Arms up!

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