She couldn't be tricked this time! Scarlett knew exactly where China was on the map and highlighted the borders without hesitation :-)
We read a few more pages out of the True Book: China, then switched to stories. We read "The Seven Chinese Sisters" and "The Empty Pot." Both were great and had good lessons and the kids had me read each one two times.
The girls asked if they could change and then came barrelling out of their room saying "We match!" and giggling up a storm; they also had an assortment of weaponry :-p
I had been holding the baby and she wanted to be positioned just so in a sort of half-sit. We had tried the bumbo seat a couple of weeks ago and she just flopped around, but I thought I would give it another try since she was being particular, and lo and behold she loved it!
My instagram pic! I can't believe how much awesome head control she has - she was really concentrating hard on looking all around the room without bobbing her head too much.
My two little bakers! I typed up the recipe on a blank sheet of paper in a large font and double spacing, then taped it to the cabinet where Scarlett could easily read them out loud. Having set out everything they would need, I told them to follow the directions and let me know if they had any questions or needed help, but otherwise they could do it without any assistance/interference! The only thing I did was preheat the oven - they even put the pans in the oven themselves (Scarlett has practiced this before).
They sat in front of the oven with the internal light on diligently watching their muffins rise, and could hardly wait to taste them. The girls and Lincoln all agreed that these were even better than the ones we usually make ;-)
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