First thing in the morning, Grammie took the three big cows to the nearest CFA to get free breakfast and bring it home to enjoy. So cute!
While they were gone, I enjoyed some sweet snuggle time with Waverly and had the opportunity to snap a few pictures. She is just growing too quickly! I'm so thankful for this precious girl!
I was talking to her, and telling her all about the outing we would have later, and that I did in fact have a cow outfit for her. Right at that moment, she made this funny face with one eyebrow raised and it made me laugh out loud :-) It was as though she had understood every word and was thinking, "A cow outfit? Really?"
Serious Face.
I call the next four pictures "Working up to a laugh:"
I love that I can see a big smile is coming just in her eyes first. They're so expressive and she gets a little gleam!
Her legs and arms start going and her mouth opens.
The smile pops out!
And then a belly laugh and huge grin! Oooh, I could just snuggle her all day! :-)
Haha, I don't know what kind of face this is, but it reminds me of Dr. Evil :-)
My baby love.
The kids had a pretty chilled rest of the morning - they were tired and I think sometimes kids just need to veg out for a while when they are in the mood. They played their Nooks, watched a tv show or two and lounged around. Pretty soon it was time to get all of us into our Cow garb!
Our littlest "calf" :-) Scarlett kept saying "Awww! She is SO CUTE!"
The first attempt at the kids picture didn't go to well - Lincoln was insistent that he needed his frog boots on and it took some convincing to assure him he could put them on for the group picture.
Well in that case, he was happy to put a smile on :-) LOVE MY KIDDOS! Scarlett was so pleased that she got to hold Waverly.
"Okay, we see your frog boots! Now get in the picture with the rest of us!!"
Our whole Herd ;-) Fourth Cow Appreciation Day!
Of course, this made me need to look back and find the FIRST Cow Appreciation Day. Scarlett was 3, Victoria was *almost* 2, and Lincoln was just a month old (you can't really see him, but he's in the car seat behind us to the right).
There wasn't as many outdoor activities this year (I think because we went during an in-between time), but the kids were just happy they could still get their faces painted!
Scarlett went for a butterfly.
Lincoln and Victoria went for cow spots.
It was really too late in the day for naps by the time we got home and washed up, so I opted to just let the kids get in the pool instead (they'd had a lot of rest time throughout the morning). This made for a full week of no naps for all of the kids, and they did really well. Definitely a little more arguing, but nothing terrible. I will be happy to get us back to our regular loose routine next week, but it's nice to know that they have all reached ages where I can mix things up and skip naptime for several days and there are no major meltdown/attitude repercussions.
After swimming for 90 minutes, the kids tried to start squirting Nana with their water guns. She got the last laugh though by breaking out the hose :-)
Lincoln, flying his "redneck kite" (construction paper and yarn) by running through the yard and letting it sail behind him.
A tired crew by the end of the evening! Lincoln wanted to hold the baby for a while on the sofa - he watched Curious George and Waverly watched him :-)
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