Lincoln loves to practice tracing his hand! Very good for learning to hold his pencil and control his hand movements.
Scarlett got busy right away putting on her "secret spy" makeup, and coming up with an elaborate game for her and Victoria to play while Lincoln practiced his sounds and counting.
Scarlett's reading for the day - this book was a breeze for her, and I'm realizing we need to make a trip to the bookstore soon for some Level 2 readers.
Not to be outdone in the secret spy makeup department, Victoria emerged with an even more elaborate face.

Victoria is working through Bob Books Box Collection #2, and is currently on book 3, "Go, Bus" - some days she likes to work through one whole book, and other days she only does half. She's only required to do half each day, and today she chose to do half.

I recently unearthed our bin of dominoes and the kids are really into playing with them in a variety of ways!

While the girls worked on their reading with me, Waverly relaxed and listened along.
Soon it was time for lunch and rest. When the kids got up, we had tea & story time but did things a little differently. We have done tea & story time for well over a year, but I wanted to take things up a notch by adding an interactive element at the end of the kids' story listening time. Stopping to explain big or new words as we read is something I've always done, but when we finish our chapter I started taking time to ask several questions that we could discuss. Afterward, I wanted them to draw a picture of one of the scenes, one of the characters or anything along those lines. So far, they are really loving it! Victoria asked me to save aside all of their drawings so she can "have a book of the book." I thought that was a great plan so I will be photo-journaling the pictures as well as saving them hard copy.
Our current tea & story time book.
Chapter completed, discussion had, and now time for them to create their pictures!
During their post-story art time, Waverly and I sojourned to the sofa to make eyes at each other :-)
Scarlett's two pictures: Edward Tulane (the rabbit/main character) and a scene composed of Edward waiting on a dining room chair looking out the window.
Victoria's two pictures: Edward and the sitting on the chair scene.
Lincoln only did one picture: Edward (the yellow colored one is a rabbit that Scarlett drew for him to copy because he was frustrated that he "couldn't make an Edward." I thought that, not only was it very sweet of her to do, but he did a pretty good job copying it!)
Finally it was pool time! Often Waverly stays inside when I take the kids to the pool - Grammie or Nana will either keep the monitor with them (if she's snoozing) or play with her if she's awake. But with Gram out of town and Nana at work, Waverly had a quick wardrobe change into some cooler clothes and was ready to hang out poolside! Fortunately it hasn't been too hot and we were able to sit in the shade while we watched the big kids swim.
So adorable! I bought her too many three months size clothes, so I find myself changing her for absolutely any reason in hopes she actually gets to wear them all! lol She is just growing so fast.
Trying so hard to stay awake...
...but she can't :-) It's just too warm and snuggly.
After a good ninety minutes we were making each other too hot, so she laid next to me on the bench - won't be able to do that for much longer as she is already trying to roll around!
I have to mention that Jim was at a special event for most of the day - he was playing golf at the 2013 Annual Atlanta Hawks Golf Outing. This is his second year attending, and this year... his group won! So proud of him!
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