Three helpers (one pants-less!) watching Daddy clean the pool.
Just before heading out, I needed to get Waverly dressed and then was going to feed her. She looked SO adorable in this little dress/bloomers combination, so I ran and got my camera, trying to coax a smile out of her. This was the look she gave me instead - clearly saying, "Are you kidding me? I am starving and you're trying to take my picture??" lol
Uh-oh! Full angry arms flailing and all - she meant business. I love how sweet, smiley and calm the baby usually is, but I have to admit I find it a little cute when she gets all mad and opinionated! :-)
Lincoln was so thrilled to go with Jim to a "boy's hair cut place," as he explained to me. Apparently, he was quite insistent to wait and have Jim go first, with his turn afterward... but then the hair stylist whispered to him, "How about you go now while your daddy is getting his hair cut, and I bet me and you will BEAT him and be done first!" Well, this was all the motivation he needed - he was ready to get started!
Handsome guy, forehead bruise and all! :-)
After an hour at Barnes & Noble perusing for books and playing at the train table, the kids made their final selections.
A quick lunch at Taco Bell - I introduced the kids to the pintos & cheese bowls. Lincoln and Scarlett were not fans at all, but Victoria ate all of hers plus the rest of Linc's! I kept telling her, "There's cheese hanging out of your mouth..."
"That's okay, mommy, I like it there."
The kids actually took an awesome 2.5 hour nap, while Waverly and I played and stared at each other. Jim took a turn hanging out with her for a few while I took care of a couple things. She wants to sit up so badly!
She LOVES her daddy - always turns to see where he is if she hears his voice and has the biggest smiles for him.
Our neighbors joined us for a casual dinner and pooltime, but Jim put our kids (and the neighbor's oldest daughter) to work scrubbing his car first - they were seriously stoked to help wash the Z.
She was genuinely more excited to wash the car than to get in the pool after.
The unsuspecting Lincoln goes to rinse his rag, while Jim gets ready with the hose behind him...
...sprays him with the icy water...
...and sends him running away as fast as he can! :-)
Scarlett, getting thrown by daddy.
Pool time fun! Our dinner was wonderful and it sure was nice to have a chance to catch up with our friends next door!
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