Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tuesday, July 23rd

Tuesday morning I woke up to tend to a crying and hungry Waverly.  As I stumbled out of bed, lo and behold I found this cute scene:

He regularly makes his way to our bed in the middle of the night (2:00 to 3:00 a.m. range), but he's never just camped out on the floor before.  I pulled him up into bed with Jim before feeding the baby, and while he was fast asleep I saw his little body shaking - he was laughing in his sleep so hard! haha  Put a smile on my face :-)

It was another nice day - laid back, with just school, play, and a quick errand.

The girls had saved the seeds from the previous night's apple snack, and were determined to plant it and have an apple tree of their very own.  They told me if they had an apple tree then they would be "real farmers."  I gave them an empty little pot, so Victoria and Lincoln dug up some soil, then they - with great ceremony - planted the three little seeds and officially named the plant "Shrubby."

Ready to do school!

Here's the eight sounds Lincoln was working on for the morning.  I would ask him to find a sound - for instance, "ssss" and place a white car on that sound.  He would rummage in the bag of plastic car manipulatives to find the right color and then place it on the correct sound.  He really loves reviewing sounds in this way!

Ah, the coveted pointing stick! ;-)  Most of the time I will give him a number card and he has to tell me what the number is and then count out the correct amount of whatever manipulative we're using that day, but this time I laid out the numbers and would "quiz" him and he'd have to point to whatever number I said really fast.

The girls did their reading (Scarlett: finished final portion of Olivia and the School Carnival book read aloud to Grammie; Victoria: no new book, we took 15 minutes to review her new site words on index cards that I made up for her, along with a few new phonetic words that she had stumbled on) and math (chapter each out of Life of Fred: Apples book).  Afterward, the kids worked on a "History Mystery" that I had created for them.  We have started Story of the World, Volume 1 and the girls were very interested in being Historians.  So I took a bunch of Gram's old black and white photographs, a little figurine, and wrote a fictional letter for them to discover.  Then using the small details in the letter they had to figure out who all of the people in the pictures were or what they were doing, and the origin of the figurine.  They loved doing it!

Our little pre-lunch errand: heading to Pure Bliss so we could return home with *five pounds* of our favorite kind of locally made, organic granola.  It's french vanilla flavored and it's divine!

The kids got all done up for swim time - swimsuits on, hair fixed, sunscreen AND bugspray on, floaties on Lincoln... and then they deemed it "too cold" to swim.  It's 80 degrees, kids!  Back in Michigan we would call that a heat wave, not too cold :-p  But they found plenty outside to keep them busy.  Lincoln practiced his golf - he claimed "it was a hard, but I won AGAIN!" 

Victoria was drawing up plans for her birthday party, so Lincoln asked Scarlett to help him draw decoration ideas for his next birthday.

Victoria sketching out invitations (oops! she doesn't know I already handled that via text because I'm fancy like that) and bunny pictures to hang up for her much anticipated Mexican Eater Egg Hunt Pool Party.

Ms. Sunshine!  She is smiling more and more every day :-)

 See?  Sometimes the kids occasionally wail on each other with toys, but often as not they are playing nicely together or watching tv with their arms around each other! ;-)

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