N wanted to hold Waverly right away - she did very good with her, while her brother gave the top of the baby's head lots of kisses!
The kids played hide & seek for quite a while, before taking the "treasure rocks" out on the screened-in porch and coming up with some elaborate game.
I walked back out on the porch 15 minutes later to find several dozen cheetos on the floor. I don't even know how or when it happened, but I pulled what I refer to as an Awesome Parenting maneuver and in lieu of cleaning them up, I just opened the door and let the dog in.
The kids were crafting at the dining room table, and while I sat feeding the baby in the living room our black cat Pixie strolled in, took a look around and jumped dead center on top of our flat screen TV, because cats are weird. After checking out the situation from her new vantage point for a few minutes, she realized she could lean over and look out of the window if she wedged her head between the blinds. Never a dull moment around here!
Pool time!
"Having fun, J?" :-) Thumbs up!
I'm the last person in the civilized world to jump on the Instagram bandwagon, but I love it! It takes a picture like the one above...
... and automatically crops and glosses ;-) I would like Instagram for my face in real life! haha
All morning long, the kids had played so well! Hardly any referee'ing required. Around 12:30, my girls got crabby with each other and I decided to pull Scarlett from the group and have her help me make lunch. This ended up being a wise plan - not only did it put an immediate end to the girls' sniping, but it gave me a chance to let her make pancakes. She was so impressed with herself because I let her actually blend the mix, pour it onto the hot skillet and manage flipping them without my help. I was watching, of course, but didn't intervene. She burned one, then flipped one that was too gooey, but after that she really had the hang of it and did great!

"Mommy, take my picture, take my picture!!" So proud of her accomplishment :-)
Lincoln came into the kitchen when she was nearly done making pancakes. He and Salty stood there, together, waiting in anticipation. I told Scarlett that the next pancake could be for Salty, at which point Lincoln turned to the dog and yelled, "The next one's MINE!" Of course I reprimanded him for yelling at the poor, patient dog, but I was cracking up on the inside.
The kids played and played after lunch and finally around 2:15, everyone was due for some down time. The negotiations that took place in order to finally select a movie were intense, but they finally settled on Mulan 2. I made GIGANTIC bowls of air-popped popcorn - one huge bowl per kid, and they polished off every last bite. I was impressed!
When the movie finished, we got ready for another round of swimming. It hadn't been super warm earlier (and our pool is cold!), so they had only lasted an hour. The afternoon was warmer, but they still only swam for another hour or so before wanting to be finished and have popsicles. We made a silly game where we decided the kids had a terrible disease called Popsicle Tongue and their tiredness plus the sugar had them in fits of giggles :-)
Oh no! Blue Popsicle Tongue! Stay away!
Lime Green - aaaahhh!
Red Tongue! The worst of all! ;-)
The evening was very calm and relaxed - the kids were once again tuckered out and so was I! It was a good tired though and we had a really fun, enjoyable day with our friends :-)
The kids all piled on the sofa around Grammie - love this picture! All of her great-grandbabies.
Grammie's biggest great-grand baby girl and her littlest!
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