I am not what I would term good at taking self pictures ("selfies"), but nothing an Instagram filter won't help! ;-)
When I got home, the kids were excited to get out in the pool! We are loving all of this sunshine after so many rainy days. And the mosquitos are loving ME. I think I acquired 10 new bites/leg despite my layers of bug spray.
Lincoln has been doing so well with his swimming, so I let him take off his arm floaties *in the shallow end, under my direct supervision.* He did very well and even mastered jumping in and swimming under to the stairs in one awesome maneuver!
After swimming for a while, taking a break inside and then swimming some more with their friend from next door, the crew was ready for dinner and downtime. The baby had been up a ton the night before, and I was bound and determined to keep her up as much as I could throughout the evening to ensure a more successful night's sleep! It wasn't too hard though - she was in the mood to be up, and with some jiggling-awake help from Nana, her siblings and her Blanket-Bear (yet to be named) we managed to keep her awake.
She LOVES this bear - it rattles, and one might assume having a rattling bear in her face would not be her favorite, but it is :-) Scarlett picked out this bear for her a couple days before she was born, and is of course thrilled that Waverly adores it!
Look at that sweet little grin! I just can't get enough of her :-)
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