Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24th

Due to an unusual morning, our regular routine was pretty much out the window.  I had been selected to participate in a paid market research survey that would be partially in-home, followed by an on-site, in-store portion.  It was interesting to say the least and good motivation to clean the bathrooms ;-)  The kids did a great job being quiet downstairs (thanks to Grammie + Nana + a bag of chips as a bribe), and then behaved well for Grammie while I was gone for ninety minutes or so.  Naps followed my return home, then after a stint of backyard fun I got the kids all dressed and we headed out to meet Jim and some of his work clients for dinner at a BBQ place in Marietta.  Yes, that's right - Jim... AND his clients.  When he texted me and mentioned casually that he would be bringing along a couple of guys to join us for dinner, I actually chuckled.  But he assured me these were cool guys who were into new and interesting experiences, and he promised them that dinner with a family of 6 at a BBQ place on all-you-can-eat night would certainly be 'interesting.'  :-)  The kids did wonderfully, everyone had a nice time, and I enjoyed learning about their business.  A totally different but fun day!

Waverly is the happiest baby ever... so long as no one sets her down.  And it's not that she completely comes unglued if someone does put her down, but she certainly makes it known that she'd prefer to continue being carted around.  One of her favorite things is if Gram is just carrying her around doing this or that, where she can be looking around at everything and occasionally doze off - but set her down and it's all "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I did NOT agree to these terms!" lol  Fortunately that is not the case at night - she is a terrific sleeper!

With Victoria's 5th birthday party just around the corner, she has been feverishly crafting decorations for her self-created "Mexican Easter Egg Hunt Pool Party."  There are bunny pictures (in varying quantities of bunnies per picture) slowly taking over the house.  I love that she is so excited and wants to take ownership over the festivities.

Post-naptime backyard fun.  We didn't have quite enough time before leaving for dinner to do the pool, but the kids talked Gram into hosing them down :-)

"You can't get US!" they yelled to Gram... they were way wrong.

Scarlett and Waverly, dressed for dinner.  The girls beg to hold her "for real" (meaning not in a seated-on-the-sofa-with-backup-pillows-everywhere kind of way) all of the time, and she's getting sturdy enough that I'm willing to let them for short, double-adult-supervised periods.  They feel like rockstars! :-)

Victoria and Waverly!  She said, "Wow, she's HEAVY!" haha

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