Friday morning the kids all swarmed Jim with one collective thing on their mind - Halloween costumes! Jim had a few minutes before work and took them over to his computer where they all clustered around to look at possible costume candidates. After much intense discussion, decisions were made and costumes were ordered :-) Scarlett is going to be a pink ninja, Victoria is going to be Silvermist (a fairy), and Lincoln is going to be Captain America.
We took our Bible Journal time to flip through all of the pages they'd completed and discuss all that we've been learning. It was a great review time and I was impressed with how much of an impact the object lessons have had - how much they have retained! While we chatted, they each had a special drink that kids in Argentina (the country we're currently studying) often have in the morning - a "submarino."
Next was History time - we read a few pages from our text, Story of the World, on the topic of archaeology. We also had a fun storybook that was very informative, and also watched a short video of a real life archaeological dig.
Immediately following, the kids all ran outside as fast as they could to "be archaeologists" - they were sure they were going to unearth clues about the people who lived on this land a thousand years ago ;-)
Searching for any signs of a good potential dig site.
Aha! Victoria and Lincoln worked this area - they even came inside to snag one of my metal colanders from the kitchen so that they could sift the dirt they were digging up. I love their enthusiasm!
Passport Club time! The kids worked on tracing maps of Argentina, and then locating it within the continent. I like that Scarlett pointed out how the country's shape reminded her of a seahorse. It totally does!
I taught on the capital city, the different regions and a little bit about the very diverse population. Then I brewed up some Yerba Mate tea - a staple in Argentina - and the kids drank their tea around the coffee table while I read a couple of Argentinian storybooks.
"On the Pampas" was a great book - a storybook that taught so much along the way about the many large cattle ranches in the Pampas region of Argentina. "Gauchada" describes the act of giving things to others - a sort of Argentinian form of "paying it forward."
In both story books, there is mention of the traditional Argentinian dance called the Zamba. So we found a few YouTube videos of people dancing the Zamba and the girls tried to follow the moves (complete with paper towels in lieu of the fancy handkerchiefs the professional dancers used, lol).
We finished our school day with one-on-one time, and Lincoln worked really hard on his letters! He will be writing his name like a pro before too long :-)
And of course, I have to include a picture of Waverly! She just adores this yellow and white bear that Scarlett picked out for her just a few days before she joined us. I'll hold it out in front of her and she'll grab it, snuggle it, and bury her face in it.
Ooh, it doesn't get much cuter than that! My little three-month old so pleased with herself that she can hold her favorite lovey :-)
The Argentina drink is on my to do list for Friday! I didn't see it in the package you sent me the first look through!