Lincoln and Grammie (+ Waverly) snagged the coveted chairs first thing ;-)
Lincoln was so insistent that Grammie and Waverly needed to get really comfortable and lay back. Gram couldn't quite get it while holding the baby, and so Lincoln shot out of his chair and before Grammie could say "NO!" he was flipping them back, lol. Waverly's expression looks so, "Oh great, here we go again..."
So self-satisfied that Grammie is now uncomfortably laying prone.
I asked Lincoln if he'd like Waverly to sit with him and he said, "Oh sure, of sourse [course]!" So we placed a pillow next to him and they hung out, chatting with Grammie for a while.
Such a good big brother :-)
We finished up our Science chapter last week on defining Astronomy, how it began, important inventors and touching on the space program. I don't like to fly through material just for the sake of getting it done, so now that we'd accomplished all of the workbook materials, I wanted to take this week and read through related story-books. We'll be reading these three books over the course of the week and discussing as the finale to that Science chapter.
Part of Lincoln's school "work" every day is one-on-one story time with me. Often the girls will come and sit and listen also, but as this is not formal tea & story time, they aren't required to. We had several good books last week from the library, and I thought it would be fun for the kids if I start keeping track of all the books they've read/listened to! So here are the 10 story books for this week:
"The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything"
"The Lion and the Mouse"
"Sylvester and the Magic Pebble"
"The Little Engine That Could"
"Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"
"How I Became a Pirate"
"Harold and the Purple Crayon"
"A Sick Day for Amos McGee"
"Strega Nona"
After he worked on writing his four letters for the week - "L," "I," "N," "C" - these are the two books Lincoln selected. He really enjoyed the "Alexander" book, but I was surprised by how much he LOVED the "Little Old Lady" book - he got really into it and made all the sounds with me every time in the correct order!
We ended up having a late lunch due to our delayed start time, and Waverly was happy to be my helper while I assembled food :-)
It's so funny!
Okay, no more messing around and being cute - time to get serious and help out ;-)
It may seem like all fun and games, but being a sous chef is incredibly exhausting (apparently)! hehe
One hour into their Boo Game...
End of the evening, watching the big kids play with their Boos, and little love falls asleep on my shoulder. I was super jealous!! :-)
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