Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wednesday, September 4th

Wednesday was a fun school day, followed by karate in the early evening and time to relax in the evening :-)

We started Lesson #4 in our Bible study, and the verse that the lesson highlighted was Colossians 3:17.  However the topic was on the importance of our words and how they affect others, so I opted to focus on Ephesians 4:29 instead: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."  Our object lesson element was discussing and showing how words are like toothpaste.  The kids were disbelieving as I gave them each a paper plate and travel size tubes of toothpaste (except for Scarlett who had the last remnants of a full size tube) and instructed them to squeeze out as much as they wanted onto their plates ;-)

Squeezing with such glee! haha

Then, I told them to take a few minutes and put as much of that toothpaste that was now on their plates back into the tubes.  At first they were eager to try but soon realized it was an entirely futile endeavor.  This was a perfect lead in to explaining how our words are exactly like that squeezed out toothpaste.  Once we have spoken, we can never take those words back, for good or bad.  People may forgive us for ugly things that are said, but they can never truly forget, so it is critical that we practice the second part of our verse from Ephesians... saying "only what is helpful for building others up, according to their needs."

Victoria's Bible Journal - she drew the toothpaste squeezed out onto the plate :-) 

I think homeschool dogs are the happiest, don't you?? lol  At first, Salty was all, "Is this really happening? Are they really ALL loving on me?"

But then he didn't care anymore, closed his eyes and just enjoyed it :-)

After Bible and Salty-loving, we reviewed our Timeline cards and I shuffled them up for the kids to sort out and place in correct sequence.   Mysteriously, we have lost the "Egyptians" card - I have a feeling I know who the culprit is, but everyone has claimed innocence despite my assurances that no one would be in trouble... I just want it back!

Lincoln, providing a QA inspection on the finished product.

Waverly had been snuggling with me throughout all of these goings-on, and was snagged by Victoria for a few minutes. (please note Waverly diligently working on getting that thumb in her mouth...)

Soon she was passed off to Grammie, and the girls sang and danced the Timeline Song for them - Waverly was riveted! lol

It was time to open up our Little Passports package and begin our exploration of the new country we would be studying... Argentina!  Victoria had no trouble finding it after I'd shown them where it was once.

In their Argentina packet was a miniature fossil for them to discover once they chipped away through the exterior.  The kids had fun whacking at it for a loooong time before enough fell away to reveal the little fossil inside - they were majorly underwhelmed with the discovery after all that hard work! :-p

Break for tea & story time.  I may be the only adult who has to take big sips of tea as I'm reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane so that I do not just sob as I read it.  It's such a good story, but there are some really sad parts. It's a china rabbit!  How could I possibly be empathizing so much?? haha

It was one-on-one time and Lincoln spent the girls' reading and math lessons curled up in Nana's room watching, what else?... Curious George.  He must know every show by heart, but it's still his favorite!

At lunchtime, I put Waverly up in the bumbo on the table for a fresh perspective.  She started out sitting up so well but eventually just sort of ended up leaning forward.

Such hard work being an adorable baby all day long.

On our way to karate!

Victoria in the front, bottom of the picture; Lincoln in the middle right; Scarlett in the top middle.

Back at home, Waverly was pleased to have her source of entertainment return :-)

Victoria was being so silly and just had Scarlett in stitches!


When Waverly gives a huge smile, it's as though her arms are somehow wired in - she cannot give a huge grin without her arms going too! Love it!

Talking with me - see how her arm is touching mine? She is just the sweetest.  Three months old today, and I am soaking up every second of her.

And finally, a little sister time to wrap up our long, full day.

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