We are mutually in love with the sling. She is getting good at sitting up on my hip and hanging on with one little hand to the front :-) This is our preferred school time position! She enjoys looking out and watching all that the kids are doing and listening attentively, but it is hard to fight the coziness and she often just sort of dozes off for 10 or 15 minutes before waking right up and acting like she was awake the whole time ;-)
I opted to skip ahead to Week #9 in our Bible lessons - I felt it was a better flow from what we've been discussing up to this point. We studied about 1 Peter 4:10, and how we all have different gifts and talents, but we aren't to hoard them or boast about them for our own recognition. They are given to us as a blessing, but we are charged to serve others with them. I used the example of how the kids would feel if I gave Scarlett a tub of chocolate ice cream and told her that she could be in charge of it, but was supposed to dish it out for Lincoln and Victoria during treat time... but instead, she just kept it all to herself and really made over how special she was to have all that yumminess to herself. Well, it doesn't hit home for kids more than an analogy about ice cream! They were quick to start ticking off other examples and it really seemed to resonate with them that we should use the things we are naturally gifted with - making others laugh, organizational skills, creativity, artistic talent, and so forth - to serve others, to encourage others and to bless others.
When it was time to add items to their Bible Journals, Victoria hopped down and ran over to Lincoln's seat and said, "I'm super gifted with gluing things into books, and Lincoln has a hard time sometimes, so I am going to serve him by helping him glue!" haha I thought that was really sweet and I love their eagerness to immediately apply what they are learning. Doesn't always last as long as I would like it to, but they are sure trying!!
In history, we followed up our lesson on the Nomad lifestyle with a section on how the first Nomads became farmers - particularly in the Fertile Crescent. Seems like such dry material, but Story of the World really makes it come alive with excellent storytelling. The kids then highlighted the Fertile Crescent on a map and colored a page of a farmer using a Shaduf.
Finished work - top row is Scarlett's, middle row is Lincoln's, bottom row is Victoria's.
During lunch, we listened to our SQUILT lesson music again - Francois Coupin's Chaccone. We talked about what a Chaccone is, and listened for the 1-2-3 beat, and also played the Major vs. Minor song about three times because the kids find it hilarious :-) Then, a very special treat - Daddy came and had lunch out at the table and read a couple of stories to the kids!
Post-lunch snacking (of course) and supervising Waverly (not really, but he thinks so) while he watches a Curious George.
Once he'd refueled, he ran off and was quiet for a few minutes - never a good thing - but fortunately was simply busy putting on his sparring gear from karate. He told me I needed to come watch, while he valiantly fought one of the columns in the dining room ;-)
First position, ready to punch!
Side kick!
The kids really got into story time and we ended up reading six of our library books - a couple of them we read twice! They loved the "Strega Nona" story and I tried my hardest to affect an old woman Italian accent, but as with most all of my accents they end up as weird cross of Indian and British. Oh well...
The girls worked on finishing up their Draw Write Now art projects, creating their final draft in their official books. Above is Scarlett's pig (muddy) and writing... we are really working on spacing out her letters, but she is just a tight writer.
Victoria's finished Pig artwork and writing, which she ended up doing upside down on accident :-p She drew a pig and a baby pig (it's just at the back of the regular pig) playing in a mud hole.
Jim snapped this picture of me as I was assembling our side dish for dinner - we were in the mood for something different so I prepared and then Jim grilled up these yummy zucchini slices topped with fresh mozzarella, tomato and kosher salt/pepper.
They were so good!!!
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