Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tuesday, September 10th

With a lot on our docket school-wise for Tuesday, we dove right in and had a fun time getting it all accomplished.  In the evening after dinner, I went to workout and Jim played outside with the kids - practicing important skills such as bike riding and gun shooting ;-)

Bible Lesson #5 - discussing the Fruit of the Spirit.  We started out in their bedroom and I gave them each a little strip of crepe streamer.  I explained that the old Hebrew word for the Holy Spirit was "wind" - and like the wind, we cannot see the Holy Spirit.  So how is it possible to know it resides within us if we trust Jesus?  I asked the kids to put their hand in front of the fan and tell me what they felt ("wind"), and then how they could prove that wind was real if someone were to say, for instance, "Well, I can't see wind, so I don't believe in it."  They were quick to catch onto where I was going with my point and told me, "Well, I can FEEL it!"  True, but that's not evidence.  Next we held up our streamers in front of the fan and a-ha!  We had some evidence that there really is wind - we can tell because it moves the paper.  This was the perfect tie-in to discussing how the Holy Spirit is evidenced in us by how it moves us toward ever increasing fruits (love, gentleness, kindness, etc. - Gal. 5:22).

Meanwhile, Jim was busy getting his usual morning exercise in... at the golf range :-)

Timeline practice with two new event cards.  These events and the song are ingrained in Lincoln's brain.  He sings this song from sun-up to sun-down! lol  One of their favorite shake-out-the-wiggles things to do in between other school work is to run around the living room as fast as they can in a lap while yell-singing the Timeline Song.

Next we started our second SQUILT lesson, on Francois Couperin's Chaconne.  We had a good discussion on the difference between writing a piece in Major vs. Minor and how that changed the mood of the music so dramatically. 

Scarlett's "Draw What You Hear" sheet - people and animals all crying in the rain, haha. That's how it made me feel too!

For our next portion of History, we read on the Earliest People - Nomads.  Even though we are early on in the text, I cannot say enough good things about Story of the World at this point! It's written so well and engagingly that even Lincoln loves to sit and listen and ask questions, and the girls are very absorbed by it.  Per their recommended "extra literature" section, we read "The First Dog" and "It's Disgusting and We Ate It!"  Both were big hits.

The text and one of the story books highlighted the fact that pre-written-record, stories and events were often depicted on cave walls, and that some still exist for us to see today.  So we crumpled up some brown kraft paper to represent the rough surface of a cave wall and using only natural colors, the kids all tried their hand at creating a cave painting.

It was more difficult than they thought to paint neatly on the "cave walls."

Victoria painted a chicken and trees (she said, "They probably hunted chickens back then." lol)

Scarlett tried her hand at a cave bear and added artistic elements.

When the kids asked for some pink paint, it was a good opportunity to discuss how they had to use natural elements around them for paint pigmentation.  This had them pleading for bowls to take outdoors so that they could find things to make their own natural paint.  They picked flowers, dirt and grass and tried their best to grind it up into a paste with rocks :-)

Waverly wanted to be sitting up in a chair-type position, and I had a cave-painting mess to clean up, so we tried out the sling and achieved a workable balance.  I'm just not as comfortable with slings as I am with wraps, but it did the trick this time!

In the late afternoon, the kids begged to watch "3 Ninjas Kick Back," so I turned it on for them and they joined Waverly, who was already on the floor in the living room.  It was so funny, because when it came on, she immediately whipped her head around to watch and assumed this stance - like she was a karate baby, lol!


I left to head to the gym right after dinner and Jim took the kids outside - allegedly to help Lincoln on his bike, but it was no time before he had the kids practicing with the AR-15 airsoft  :-p

She manages to make shooting look adorable! :-)

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