I am so glad that I took the time to write out all of our 1st Quarter goals for school - I didn't do it because we *had* to accomplish each and everything on the list, but because I knew how likely I was to just completely skip something we had planned to do! Sure enough, I was reviewing said list and realized we hadn't pulled out our art books in weeks :-p So I sat them on top of my desk and made sure to add a couple of Draw Write Now sessions into the week. The girls had learned and practiced how to draw a hen previously, and this time they were actually drawing it into their book, coloring and doing the accompanying copy work.
Victoria's finished Hen page - she loves coloring and adding lots of detail; she even created a whole backstory for the hen and her chicks, telling me that this was a blueberry patch where they liked to eat (those are blueberries on the bushes in the background). The copy work is not her favorite, because "writing is hard." haha
Scarlett's finished Hen page - she does not love to color at all. She likes to draw, and doesn't mind to write a bit. But she did the most minimal amount of coloring I would let her get away with! But regardless, both girls did a great job finishing their first official lesson :-)
I had Waverly on her stomach in the living room, getting some exercise, when the kids took a break and Victoria opted to hang out with her little sister for some joint blanket time.
After Lincoln practiced writing his new letter "I" (we are working on writing his name), he sat and did several tangram pictures with puzzle blocks. He did a couple on his own and then cornered Nana when she got home from work, insisting she sit there and watch him. Thanks for being a good sport, Nana!
We started out so happily with bath time in the big tub a couple of weeks ago... then we had several tearful baths. I realized I was in the habit of trying to sneak in a bath before our bedtime routine when she is at her hungriest and this was causing some dismay. So I switched it up a few days ago and made sure she was fed prior to being bathed and we have had all-smiles or at least no-tears baths every since :-) My pretty bath baby!
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