Monday, September 2, 2013

Saturday, August 31st - Nana's Birthday!

Saturday was a very laid back day, and I actually didn't take very many pictures at all!  Jim and I went out with Scarlett, Lincoln and Waverly to do a little bit of shopping, while Victoria chose to stay home with Nana and relax.  In the evening, we grilled out and had steaks for dinner in celebration of the anniversary of Nana turning 21! ;-)

Scarlett: Day 2 of her Rainbow Dash shirt :-)

Posing next to a Rainbow Dash sign, lol

Lincoln secured another (cheapo) Captain America shield since his mysteriously went missing (I'm pretty sure it lives over the fence in the woods behind our house now).

After a quick lunch out, we returned home and the kids took a nap before hanging out with Daddy a bit for the Notre Dame football game.  They all had on their Irish garb, and they thought it would be hilarious for the enormous bears to have jerseys, too!  Jim humored them by pulling out a couple of his old Bulls jerseys and (literally) wrestling them onto the bears :-)  Oh, the things parents do for their kids! haha

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