Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Monday, July 8th

The kids woke up Monday morning feeling crafty.  In particular the girls wanted to make little clothes for their miniature American Girl dolls, while Lincoln pretty much just wanted to cut things.  I usually have a few of the little quilt fabric blocks in our arts & crafts closet (the kids love picking them out at Hobby Lobby or WalMart - they take 10 minutes agonizing over their selection, lol), but I could not find a single one.  No problem - Grammie to the rescue!  She found a couple of old t-shirts and the girls and I cut big chunks of material out of them, then the kids got to work.

He sure wasn't going to be left out, but his heart wasn't in it... after 10 minutes of hacking apart the fabric, he found a strip of elastic from the bottom hem of the shirt and wanted me to tie it around his head so he could be an "INJA!" [read: Ninja]

The girls, however, worked for a solid 45 minutes to an hour on their various projects.  They used the needle and thread quite a bit, but when all else failed they resorted to tape.  What can I say? They have learned from the best! [and by best I actually mean worst... when I have a sewing project there is always fabric glue involved]

Lincoln the ninja, with some nun chucks that I whipped up for him out of paper and yarn :-) He was thrilled.

The chopped off collar of another stretchy t-shirt became the Ninja gear for Victoria.  She spent a good 30 minutes running around and "exercising like a ninja."  

When the two hour sewing/ninja-ing whirlwind settled down, Lincoln wanted some time to hold Waverly.

So sweet - love the way they are looking at each other!

The time was drawing near to drive Grammie Wright to the airport and bid her farewell for this trip, but first the kids wanted to play outside.  Because of the days and days of torrential rain, the backyard was essentially one giant mudhole... so we went out to the front yard to play.  However, all of the rain followed by a hot, hot sunny day resulted in a pestilence of bugs.  We had sprayed down with bug repellant and it just didn't matter!  After only forty minutes of playing they were begging to go back inside.

In truth they were begging to go back inside after 5 minutes, but I was determined for them to get some sun and outdoor time!  I broke out a bag of colorful "treasure" rocks, and playing/bossing each other around about them took up a full half hour ;-)

The girls opted to stay home with Grammie while Lincoln and I chauffeured Grammie Wright to the airport.  On our way home we got a call that the mosquito sprayers were at the house and Linc and I should find something to do for 15 minutes or so while the fumes settled.  We were right next to Walmart, so we ran in - perfect!  I was excited to look at some clearance dresses, but alas, it never happened.  First, Lincoln had to pee, so we made our way to the bathrooms.  After walking to the dresses, Lincoln loudly announced that he needed to go poop, so we headed *back* to the bathrooms for Round 2.  Right about then, we received the call that the coast was clear and it was time to hit the road.

Not before putting change in the Children's Hospital coin collector, of course.  This is one of Linc's favorite things.

I let him do three - he loves watching the money spin around and around!  Lincoln likes talking about how the money will help sick kids. This time he thought maybe "the money will help Jerry. I think there's sick kids named Jerry."  Oookkkaaay... lol. 

Back home, it was too late for naptime so I made it mandatory rest-and-watch-tv time.

Waverly was happy to take resting to the next level with full-on napping next to Victoria.

Scarlett and Lincoln relaxing.

We topped off our afternoon with two full hours in the pool.  The no-nap + pool time = a nice early bedtime for all four kiddos!

Scarlett and Lincoln engaged in a squirt gun battle, while Victoria stays out of harms way :-)

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