Monday, July 15, 2013

Saturday, July 13th

Now that we are officially a Tae Kwon Do family, many of our Saturday mornings will start out with taking the three big kids to karate class!  It's so fun to sit above the class in the balcony seating and watch our crew work so hard to master the moves.  I'm so thankful that we are able to let the kids take the class.


Paying careful attention.

Practicing their kicks.

Following the class, we headed home to have a relaxing rest of our Saturday morning.  We had lunch at home and the kids took great naps.

Some good Daddy & Victoria snuggling time!

Later in the afternoon, it was time for Jim and I to head out for our date night. Nana would be watching the older kiddos, and Waverly would be accompanying us on our evening out!

14 years together, (nearly) 11 married, and he's still my favorite person to be with!

We had decided that we were going to try and get out of our date-night rut, which usually consists of going to see a movie, occasionally paired with dinner.  Not that we aren't super thankful for the time out together, and we truly love going to see movies, but Jim thought it would be nice once a month or so to do something different - break out of the routine.  I thought this sounded great, but am not always the best to come up with alternate plans... thankfully Jim is!  So we headed down to Serenbe to have a lovely farm-fresh dinner at The Hil, and then attend the grand opening touring party of a new home there in the Serenbe community.  What a fun evening!  The food was fabulous, the company was even better, and we really enjoyed checking out the two homes that we could tour.  It's so fun to get decorating and space saving ideas, and we chatted with some interesting people (and ducks).

She's not the best conversationalist yet, but she makes an excellent listener. 

Jim had their house burger, which was awesome, followed by homemade organic blueberry pie heated up and served a la mode. Yum!

I had the chef's chicken pot pie, followed by a chocolate souffle a la mode (because life is too short not to add ice cream) - double yum!

My dates!

One of the new homes in the Serenbe community that we toured.  It was only 900 square feet, but was decorated impeccably and such creative things were done with the space that it seemed much larger.

We spotted a large pond down a little path and made our way to it, noticing a few white ducks lounging by the water.

It took about 5 seconds from the time the ducks noticed us until they were at our feet, loudly admonishing us for not having brought anything tasty to eat!  They were very chatty with us and stayed right by us until we left - next time we take the kids with us we have to remember and bring bread, they would have loved this :-)

Meanwhile, back at home, Nana was making a fun evening for the kids.  She took them to McDonald's for dinner and play, lots of craft time, playing outside time and finally some relaxation on her bed with chips.  Thanks Nana for our wonderful evening and for even remembering to take pictures for the blog!!

When it was nearly time to go, the kids "hid" and stayed silent and immobile up in the play area for as long as they could stand it.  Nana said she really couldn't tell where they were!  All of their "secret spying" games have paid off ;-)

Post-McDonald's car antics!

Craft time!

The three musketeers enjoying a show on Nana's bed.  This is just where we found them when we arrived back home! :-)

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