Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monday, August 5th

As we are officially now in August, there is much to be done to ramp back up to our regular school work load.  Monday morning started off slow-paced, and then I received a delivery of several curriculum related items and while the kids played it was the perfect chance to get some of the materials sorted and organized.  Gram tackled our vacuum cleaner's horrifying pick-up bar (we lead glamorous lives! haha), and Lincoln did an admirable job of running full interference on a bin-purging project I was trying to work on in my bedroom   :-p  Karate followed in the evening, and then lots of snuggles with daddy before bedtime.  A good, productive day!

I love the special bond that each of my kids has with both Gram and Nana.  I relish seeing Waverly forming that same bond!

The big kids kept themselves quite entertained with a few boxes they found and were first crafting into cat beds (silly children, every surface in the house is a "cat bed" as far as our cats are concerned!).

While I was trying to purge and organize some bins in an effort to create some empty space for school materials, Lincoln was pilfering and discovered a package of dollar-store tiny babies.  You would have thought it was Christmas! The kids played with them (there were, fortunately, three in the package) for hours.

Karate time!  The girls were showing off the four step process of each kick.

Lincoln was showing off how to attack an elderly woman.

I always tease Jim that we could easily fit 3 or 4 more kids on the sofa ;-)  They all sit as close as physically possible to their daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! The elderly woman comment made me belly laugh!
