Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday, September 29th

After a late, adventurous night camping outside (and/or in Nana's room) the kids all woke up ravenous on Sunday morning.  I made breakfast and the kids played inside and outside for a couple of hours before we headed out to do our camp supply shopping.  We all took a great nap in the afternoon before getting around and taking the big kids to their very first AWANA meeting!  I participated in AWANA from the time I was a kindergartner til I believe sixth grade, and loved-loved-loved it; I was really excited when our friends, the Phillips, told us they had found a good location and invited us to join them.  The kids had a total blast and were already asking for specifics about exactly when they could go back :-)

I made the kids some hot, gooey cinnamon rolls and a pot of tea.  Everything smelled delicious!  I had to quickly make up the adult's breakfast so that I would not eat all of the rolls, haha :-)

Warming up with tea while the rolls were in the oven.

Waverly is getting so grabby - its a fun stage, and I always enjoy watching her expressions when someone else is holding her.  You can see when something grabs her interest and she starts trying to maneuver herself into a good position to grab it.  She desperately wanted Jim's bottle, but it was far away on the table, so he got it and held it on his knee for her (we suspect she might think she has some sort of Jedi mind control, since she simply looks at an object and it comes to her, lol).

"Aha, you have come to me at last!"

Lincoln, Scarlett and Victoria - they were so excited to leave and head to AWANA.  They asked me 538 questions on the way there concerning every possible facet of what to expect ;-)  In the end, it wasn't exactly as they had imagined (they later told me), but was even better.  I love that they love it!

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