Monday, September 16, 2013

Thursday, September 12th - SASCH Science Day

SASCH Science Day arrived, and the crew and I loaded up to get there a bit early to help set up for the fun morning of science experiments.  The kids all enjoyed their friends, learning, and having time to visit as we ate a picnic lunch on the floor!  Afterward, the Phillips family joined us for a bit of park time as it was such a lovely day.

Three of my four kids + four of Mrs. B's six kids made short work of dragging the tables around, stacking chairs and laying out supplies to transform the room for Science Day.  I can't speak for her kids, but there isn't much that Scarlett, Victoria and Lincoln love more than tackling a project, especially if they feel like it's "grown-up" work :-)  All of them hustled and the room was together in no time and ready for the rest of our homeschool group to arrive!  Waverly sat up in her stroller, watching all of the running around quite contentedly, and the first peep she made Emma B. asked if she could get her out and hold her.  So sweet!

All seven tables finished!  Our Solid-Liquid-Gas Science Day was ready to commence - good job team :-)

Mrs. Lawson led the kids (I think we had 40 participating, not including the under-3 crowd!) in a few fun songs just before getting started. 

Victoria was paired with a cute little girl named Bailey, from a new-to-our-group family, and they got along famously.  Here they were working on circling examples of liquid.

Lincoln and Judd circling examples of solids.

Victoria and her partner's goo didn't turn out quite right, although we're not sure why.  It was still blubbery and fun though, and a heaping pile of glitter-sparkles makes everything okay ;-)

Scarlett and Olivia's (partners) goo turned out a little closer to correct but was very liquidy.  We suspect old glue might have been the culprit.  Nevertheless, all of the kids loved it!

Once all of the experiments were finished, it was time to spread out a blanket for a picnic lunch on the floor.  I had been wearing Waverly in the wrap during all of the goings-on, and she had been quite cozily napping and watching, but was ready to stretch her legs.  I had another eager sweet, young lady ready to hold her.  It was lunch time, though, and I must have asked her five times if she wasn't sure she'd like me to take her back.  Finally she looked at me and in the most little-kid-firm-voice said, "NO." haha

Lincoln and a new little friend, Hugh.  He ate his whole lunch, his ice cream (experiment - converting a liquid to a solid) and Victoria's ice cream, then he was still scrounging around for food so I handed him the bag of pistachios.  Even though we had already vacuumed up from the previous fun, I had to get the vacuum back out after Lincoln had his way with his pistachio snack :-p

Over at the park, Waverly was loving the warmth, breeze and sunshine! :-)

The Phillips crew (+ one extra, our friend J) couldn't stay for too long, and soon we had the park all to ourselves!  The kids ran from thing to thing.  Scarlett was even kind enough to hoist Lincoln up onto the swing and push him for awhile.

My snuggle bug~

Scarlett talked Lincoln into pushing her once she'd hopped up on this twirly-bar...

...and that seemed like a grand idea to Victoria, who hopped on as well :-)  Fortunately, they have a strong little brother! 

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