Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thursday, September 5th - Atlanta Zoo!

The kids were so excited Thursday morning as we were off to the Atlanta Zoo!!  We had been invited to join some good friends, and were all looking forward to checking out the animals, exhibits and the new splash pad.  It had been a good six or seven months since we'd been, with the last time being a bit more crowded than we prefer.  This time the weather was perfect, the zoo was comparatively empty, and the kids all got along fabulously!  It was maybe our best zoo trip yet :-)

Our tie-dye shirts!  While it wasn't our entire SASCH group that was going, we all decided to wear our matching shirts so that the kids would be easy to spot.  This was our first time heading out in our matching garb - let me just note that I am not a huge fan of matchy-matchy wardrobes. However, these shirts rocked!  It was so awesome to be able to spot the kids so effortlessly and we actually received lots of compliments on the idea (I humbly accepted those accolades, even though I had nothing to do with the idea, lol - it was all Mrs. Lawson!).  My crew thought it was awesome that I had a shirt to match them!

Arriving at the zoo, there was a rush for a group hug! :-)

Our fun tie-dyed group!

Victoria and Lincoln rushed to the flamingos just inside the park gates, then stopped to strategize and look over their maps.

After a quick restroom break, we were ready to begin. One of the kids' favorite elements is the maps - they're easy for them to follow and they love reviewing them after each stop.

The bird house!  The kids had little seed sticks and because we were some of the first people of the day, the birds were eager and hungry.

I was holding Lincoln and he was so stoked that this bird was just right there, nibbling on his stick.

Scarlett even got a bird to hop onto her stick, and was thrilled that she had "caught it!"

Victoria was all smiles as she found bird after willing bird to feed :-)

Lincoln and Olivia K. chatting it up. 

Victoria, trying to hoist up little Charlotte so she could see.

We were able to be so close as the giraffes ate their morning snack!

Kids being kids, they spent a good five minutes watching the rhinoceros pee an unbelievable amount. lol

I'm not sure Lincoln really grasped the spirit of my rule when I said, "Don't go past the ropes."  While not technically disobeying, it was a test of the ropes strength and durability to be stretched all the way from the walkway to the turtle pen.

A few of the kids were posing for a picture by the gorilla statue; as I reviewed these pics, I was cracking up at the oh-so-serious pose of Scarlett and Meredith!  It looks like someone directed them, "Now - look like angsty teenagers!" haha

Mama birds and baby birds in the big nest.

Scarlett, Meredith, Olivia, and Victoria in the Tree House.


Next, we moved to the gorilla habitat - they are prodigious breeders and there are always a few little gorillas around, however there was a days-old newborn and the kids got to see it very up-close as it held onto it's mother's back.  There was a collective, "AWWWW!!!" :-)  Victoria and Meredith posing together by a video monitor that was playing the story of a famous gorilla.  First the story was happy...

...then it was saaaaddddd.

A monkey on a gorilla ;-)

Olivia and Scarlett - sweet and silly girls!

Scarlett and Julia hanging out.

Lincoln and Scarlett going for a ride :-)


"Look! A monkey!" These two have a lot in common.  The monkey, for his part, seemed equally intrigued by Lincoln.

Bamboo fun!

Outside of the orangutan area, a zoo worker was giving a demonstration on the size of the orangutan's arms and letting kids touch a skull, as well as giving away free stickers. Score!

The kids always love this little play area outside of the naked mole rat building.

Charlotte and Lincoln, taking the Komodo dragon for a ride before heading into the reptile house. Love Lincoln's expression :-p

It was apparently the most perfect day to visit the zoo - as I mentioned, hardly anyone there, demonstrations, friendly staff, AND stuffed panda giveaways!  Every kid in our group received a free stuffed panda for signing a banner :-)  They were so excited!


The tie-dyed, sunglass-wearing, panda-loving gang. Fierce ;-)

We had visited almost all of the exhibits and seen almost all of the animals, and it was time to break for lunch.  It was starting to get pretty warm, and the kids took full advantage of these misting fans to cool off a bit.

After lunch, the kids got into their swim gear for the splash pad... but, before heading there, we had one last important animal-related activity.  Charlotte was guiding Lincoln as they ran - so cute!

The goat petting area!  Of course, this is one of the kids favorite places.  These goats are beyond passive, and even with Lincoln and Charlotte both aggressively brushing, the thing just laid there.

Lincoln said this was "the best goat, I love him!"

But really - he loved this goat.  He spent a long time whispering to it and putting his head on it's goat-head. 

Victoria, tending to her goat :-)

And finally - it was splash pad time!  This is a new feature at the zoo this summer, and it was our first time visiting since it's been installed.  The kids loved-loved-loved it!

Such a great way to cool off at the end of all their trekking around.

Scarlett tried to splash me about a hundred times :-p

Best Zoo Trip EVER.  That face says it all :-)

Scarlett yelled, "LOOK MOM! IT LOOKS LIKE I'M PEEING LIKE THE RHINOCEROS!!!" and then broke into hysterical laughter, and so did I because we are classy like that. haha

Having a blast~

Mrs. Lawson, running with the kids through the middle.

No trip to the zoo is complete without one ride on the carousel :-)  A wonderful end to our day at the zoo!

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