Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wednesday, September 11th

Wednesday was a simple school and karate day.

We began Lesson #2 from our Draw Write Now book, and the subject was a Pig.  They agreed this animal was much harder to master than the Hen had been in Lesson #1, but they stuck with it.  Both girls have a bit of my propensity to not want to do something if they feel they won't be awesome at it right away (sorry, girls! it's genetic!).  One nice thing about knowing that is true of myself though, is that I can work with them in a kind, firm and consistent way to help them learn how to overcome that natural urge ;-)  The girls stuck with it and here are their finished rough drafts - we will do our in-the-actual-book drawings next week.  Scarlett's pig~

Victoria's pig~  Note she did a full background and (again) backstory - the pig was hot because it was summer, so it found some mud to roll around in and once it was covered with mud it felt much better.

Next, the girls and I finished up the first chapter in our Science book - much of our textbook reading was on the various space programs (NASA), and learning terms such as natural satellite vs. artificial satellites and so forth.  This was a great chance to pull out our Space Toob manipulatives and let them see and feel miniature versions of some of the things being discussed.  Once they had finished their copy work and "interesting facts" writing, Victoria wanted to sit and "play space."

We had tea & storytime, Lincoln practiced writing his "L," "I," and "N" and the girls worked on their reading and math but it seemed like school was over in record time and the kids played for a long time before naps/rest.  Waverly and Grammie played lots too ;-)

After karate, it was time to have dinner and hang out.  The big kids went to bed, but Waverly voted to stay up late and play on daddy.

She's too fun :-)

Later that evening, I received this photo montage via text from Aunt Kari.  It's a mashup of Lincoln and Waverly pictures, and I have to admit that it took me a minute to really be sure of who was who!!  They sure do share a strong resemblance to one another, at least during this age.

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